Monday, December 15, 2008
Dorius Family Update - warning kinda grumpy LOL!
The kids had stomach flu early in the week and I had many adventures in carpet cleaning - joy joy! *grin* Then Cam and Cody had bad sore throats and headaches - Caleb was the one that started the stomach flu - was well for a day or two and started a nasty cold! Cameron started what looked like pink eye on friday - it cleared up with antibiotic drops the next day and then Emma's eyes started! She too started the drops and I pray we are passed it! (pink eye t-e-r-r-i-f-i-e-s me - that is what triggered my last bad case of A-fib! :O waaa! No! No! NO!) They all seem to be on the up and up this new Monday - though now Jess and I are struggling... fer the love!
This last week/weekend has been the worst I must say! I had to coordinate and pull off a Primary activity & coordinating all the class lists/callings so we could put on a teacher prep class for the new year last night. (the pri. pres. had her baby this week and the other counselor and secretary are due in a few weeks so I am not sure it will get better before it gets worse!) I had to coordinate the Ward Christmas Party Program that night that got dumped in my lap! ack! I hoola hooped to "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" with the Activities committee (what the ___ was I thinking?? I never caught my breath after that!) Then I was the "primary song leader" in a skit the bishopric did (Jess had to miss because he was so ill- I felt so bad!) and that was nice and embarrassing! It was hoot tho! Then I set up and pulled off the nativity scene and Santa claus all tied into one that REALLY turned out quite well! I was pleased with the results and the Spirit it brought! I also ran the curtains. Whew! By the time I helped with as much clean up as I could, I knew I was so done that I might not be able to drive myself & Emma home! I had WAY over done. I walked in the door and laid down on the couch and could not move for over 45 minutes - I hurt so badly! My heart was pounding so hard I wanted to puke and thought my head was going to explode. It was...umm...not so fun. *wink*
After laying down for 45 minutes I took my blood pressure it was 138/90 (I think) (Thanks again Jen! It is so nice to have that little machine here at home!) Anyway it was WAY higher than I am used to! And that was after laying down! Oye! Jess was so mad at me.
Sunday was just as busy - we both had ward counsel in the AM, church meetings, teacher training and then a powow with the Elders Quorum Pres hoping to find names that we can pray about - I got home yesterday around 7 pm and was a mess... I had horrid chills and aches - and all night I was miserable! Ugh! This makes 5 days straight of body aches every day - how annoying is that??
I also had my FLYSistahs Christmas party earlier in the weekend in SLC friday night and was there until almost 2am - one of them had some major meltdown (and rightly so :( ) but it made for "really? I am sorry you are in need of a good friend right now- but I gotta go home" kinda not such a good plan. So I stayed. I was slapping myself on the drive home and hoping I wouldn't sleep through the set up the next AM for the Primary Activity!
Jess has a monster chest cold & is just plain miserable - I am affraid it is pneumonia - he coughs until he almost throws up (and has a time or two) and just plain sounds terrible! (and deep down I am terrified Cam will get it.... :( ack! I am disinfecting like a mad woman!) I went this afternoon and helped Jess pull a main power feed through garage trusses - what a joke! He was too weak to push normally - I was too weak to pull like I wanted to and it was cold and that big fat wire did not want to budge more than a nano inch with each full exertion we could muster. Aye! It was pathetic. It took hours!! We finally said a prayer and asked for help. And then it slowly came! It was lovely - and I kept sensing that Jessie's Great Grandpa Allman (the one who married Grandma Lucas' sister) was there... though he was worried about Jessie and wanting us to quit. *sigh* The problem is you don't tell Jess to quit - when he has said he will do something - he does it - and his ambition never ends I tell ya! I feel so blessed by it and cursed by it other times...LOL! Silly sick man! I had to leave him there to get home for the kids - so I hope he is doing ok now - he *had* to the get the feed wired into the panel or the homeowner would be without power tonight.
Wow this post seems whiny! I guess I needed to "get it off my chest" LOL! I am feeling a bit better myself today - though my throat is sore and achy. Ah! The goodness winter brings with it! Yippe. I am going to go fold the mountain of laundry and get the boys sheets washed for the upteenth time this week. LOVE and SQUISHIES to all!
Brent & Nicole - I forwarded Morgans story to my neighbors and friends - they are all so proud of him too! It really is neat!
Sean - I am sorry I didn't call you back the other day - I should be home and available tommorow Am - LOL - if you still need me now! bwahaha "go Heather!" allrightythen.
Jenny & Clint - I hope Clint is feeling better and his shoulder is healing well! Post an update when you can... been thinking about you when I lay in bed at night and think "man! I still haven't called to check on him!" I suck. I know.
Mom and Dad - Jess hasn't forgotten your fence repair - it bugs him daily! He will get there eventually!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Morgan in the News
All I can say is "wow". I don't know if I would have done the same thing and I'm an adult. What a crazy thing. I'm just trying not to let thoughts of what could have happen get to me because that just sends me into a panic that I think would detour Morgan from reaching out to help others again for fear of how his mother would react.
I am proud of Morgan and his ability to focus and quick thinking under pressure to help others stay safe. I know that he was being protected that day. Heavenly Father was aware of what he was doing and sent his angels to help keep him safe.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
From Brent and Nicole
Things here are good. We had a good Thanksgiving and hope that yours was good as well. We had a quite dinner here with my parents and then went to a ward family's home for pies. They have the tradition of making lots of pies and inviting friends over on Thanksgiving evening to visit and eat pie. They started this when they were living in Japan away from family for the holidays and when they moved back here to the states, they continued the tradition. They are a good family and we enjoyed spending time with everyone who helped to eat the 21 pies they made (one family actually brought 5 more making it 26 total pies).
I hope that your holiday was good and that you're having a great holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing you all in three weeks.
Love you!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Clint's Surgery
Love, Jenny
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Family Photo Shirt Colors
Friday, October 31, 2008
Jestin in something besides Carhart's and a JWD T-shirt!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Day of Mourning
Mother's Cookies Closes
That's right... my favorite cookies will shortly not be available ever again. Mother's cookies laid off it's workers, closed its doors, and declared bankruptcy. The world will never be the same again.
I went immediately to the store to try and grab one more bag of Circus Animal Cookies (you know the little white and pink frosted animal cookies). It took me two stores to find one bag... and even then it was the Halloween edition (white and orange). I will try to make this last treasured tasty morsel last as long as I can but they will probably be gone in a couple of hours. :)
Have a Great Day!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Love, Jenny
Monday, September 29, 2008
An apology
I will go with whatever you all decide... aside from Christmas morning as we made a promise as husband and wife that that would be our sacred time. (I am very sad that others cannot enjoy that opportunity as well, I don't mean to make anyone feel badly about it... I was simply stating a commitment we made that we honor in our home. -one that one side of our family took horribly and we were ostrasized for a couple of years for)
I do not mean to push/plan the holidays. I just know in the past without someone taking the reins it doesn't happen and we can't function on last minute... it just doesn't work out most times (course often the Dorius' curse kicks in and we can't do plans either... ha ha) and I just wanted to be sure that, where we can all be together this year, I could in good faith say that we have plans before Jess' family tries to figure out their "dance" as well.
You all go ahead and plan and let me know what you decide. I just can't do contention if there is going to be any... I just can't. I will be happy with whatever you all decide. :) ~~heather
Thank You for the Love
Hi Everyone,
We are humbled that you all want to spend some quality time with us when we come down in December for Christmas. We realize that everyone is very busy and we were not insensitive to this when we made the decision to come down. This is a very unique opportunity for us to have so much time available with out having to take to much “personal time” off of work or school and we wanted to come down to see everyone with this opportunity. We feel blessed that we can share this opportunity.
That being said, I need to say I was made aware of this thread of discussion and have agreed for the most part to stay out of making any firm decisions regarding the activities surrounding the celebration of our Lord’s birth specifically because I knew that there would be many families involved and I did not want our family to be the center of any contention. I am concerned that this is exactly where this thread has the potential to go so I will offer our schedule and a few thoughts on questions brought up but I will leave it to you and your families as to how you want to proceed after that. We are open to just about anything as long as we can see all of you during this great season of love and joy.
- We will be doing a Christmas dinner/get together here with Harvey and Suzanne (whom we just brought up to live closer to us so that Nicole can help her more to become better) on the Sunday prior to Christmas.
- We plan on leaving here (weather permitting) early Monday morning and traveling as far as Gooding, Idaho (which is where we hope to be by night fall). We have determined for the safest travel it would be better not to travel at night if possible.
- We plan at this point to leave there early Tuesday morning and to be in Utah Valley by early to mid afternoon.
- After the holiday we plan on leaving Saturday morning to head on home.
You will notice that we have planned nothing for while we are there yet. Yes, we would love to get a family picture done. Yes, we would love to have a full family get together with everyone together and enjoying one another’s company. But, beyond that we leave it up to you and your schedules.
Here are a few suggestions (both heard and unheard) that I offer up as possibilities, again it is up to you:
- It was suggested that we get together, by Dad, on the 26th for a meal at their house. This shouldn’t interfere with most other families activities and Nicole and I can help get some of the cooking done while others may have to be at work during that day.
- On Christmas Day itself I vey much enjoyed the suggestion that Jenny put forth, that people will be just going in and out all day at Mom and Dad’s. Maybe this could be a snacky kind of day with treats and little sandwiches or something along those lines. Something that doesn’t require anyone putting forth a lot of effort on this day that so that all can enjoy it.
- Again because people might have to work during the day, we could probably do the pictures Friday evening. We would rather not do a dressy photo as we were not planning on bringing suits and dresses and such. It might not be a good idea to do white shirts for a couple of reasons, such as with a snowy background we might all look like floating heads so that might not be as good an idea. I agree we probably don’t want to look hodge podge so I am good with going with a specified color shirt and slacks (like beige or something). We think Mom and Dad could coordinate to their liking and the rest of could coordinate as a colored background for them. I am not choosy on the colors and we could even coordinate boys one color, and girls a complementing one. Another suggestion might be to have each family choose a different color to signify who belongs to who with Mom and Dad again coordinated to their liking.
In other words we are coming down to just enjoy family. Please do not be concerned with anything major if it will cause any issues on Christmas Eve or Day. We want to see and enjoy you and if that means one at a time then that will have to do. As far as Mom’s morale (as it was suggested) I think I would be more concerned with her sanity after having to try and coordinate a major gathering, so if we cannot all get together for more than a small meal and pictures that is okay to.
We love all of you and cannot wait to see you.
BREeeeeNT..... what is the plan? or is there one yet? LOL I can start planning now... shall we try to co-ordinate clothing a bit for pictures so it's not so modge podge? All black and white? Solid dark colors? Jeans and white shirts? Denium shirts? Church clothes? Any prefrences? It would be nice to have an idea to start watching for deals/sales on a certain thing now rather than try to fit it into the Christmas time pinch. *GRIN* MA! Dad! Any preferences?? Anyone else have an opinion? Shpeak up won't ya?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
-Brent what days will you be here so we know what to plan from that time?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Also...we are ok with a lunch or dinner or even a Christmas Eve party...however our tradition is that Christmas morning is time for just our little family. And we try not to rush it. We have so much family that we want to see and want to see us that if we give up this time we dont get any as our own we have made this our "sacred" time that we try to enjoy just as our own unit. (Our few experiences trying to share it has been disaterous and our kids are growing too fast to miss even one of them...) I hope you all understand.
Having said that...what about lunch or dinner that day? or a big Christmas Eve party? (plus all our get-togethers the other days that Brent will be here....) *grin*
AND! Shall we have our family photo done? My friend Amy is a photographer and we could go get pics on the steps of the Provo capital type building or something... cheaper than Sears and a larger space too! LOL! Just thinking out loud.... what do you all think?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Christmas Draw 2008
Caleb and I did the draw, as per Brent's request... *grin*
Brent & Nicole = Jenny & Clint's Family
Sean & Katina = Heather & Jestin's Family
Heather & Jess = Sean & Katina's Family
Jenny & Clint = Brent & Nicole's Family
Also just a reminder... Brent and Nicole will BE HERE this year! YEA!!! I am offering my house as our gathering place for a Christmas party (be it Christmas Eve or Christmas Day) since we have wider open spaces and such. But I am good either way! Let's plan though so I can let Jess' family know what we are planning so they can plan around it! *grin* SOO excited to be all together again!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Bethani Irene Stoddard
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sean, Katina & Family
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thanks Brent
Love, Jen
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wonderful News!
~~Heather & Jess
As most of you know I graduated last October from DeVry University and landed a job at Boeing in February. Well a few things have come from this:
1) We are better off financially and I have to say really blessed that Nikki has the mindset of paying things off so that we can be debt free and have a savings. Were not there yet but getting closer daily.
2) It has allowed me to be home in the evenings which is something I have not been able to do realistically in years and I am really enjoying being with my wife and family. I think they also really enjoy seeing dad more often then just the weekends.
3) It has given me a better perspective on technology and an ease that has allowed me to accept several opportunities to serve. The most recent is that I am working on a small database for the Seattle Temple so that they know who can speak a foreign language and when they are available to assist in ordinances at the Temple.
4) It has made me realize that even though I thought I would be good at it, I am not a programmer! Therefore I have a surprise:
Some of you may know already but for those of you who don't I am going back to school. I am going to go to Keller Graduate School of Management for my MBA (Masters of Business) with a concentration in Project Management. I will also be able to take the test to become a PMP (Project Management Professional) which will be a globally recognized certification. There are many things that make this exciting and I have the support of my beautiful wife in this decision. One of the best things is that I will not have to pay a penny as Boeing will pick up the entire bill as long as I keep my grades up. WOO HOO....
Anyway, hope all is well with all of you. Have a Great Day!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pics from the Shower...
Katina's other family... her cousin Autumn (blue shirt) lives 4 houses down from me... we were excited to really meet each other since I have meant to go introduce myself forever! LOL! (I had my heart issues and she was way PG with the little one being held by the aunt to her right...) Now we both can start venturing out and getting to know one another better!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Katina's Shower
Jenny and I are going to be throwing Katina a baby shower next Saturday (May 10th) @ 1:00pm. This is an official invitation since May came out of no where and we have not mailed anything. (gulp) We thought we better do it sooner rather than later in case baby "Annie" decides to come too soon.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Changes In Our Home
Here's Jesse's baptism picture (thank you to Mom and Dad for remembering your camera when I didn't hear Brent telling me to grab ours.):

Friday, April 11, 2008
Video about Jenny
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Videos For Dad
Jenny and I made these last year for Dad's b-day...thought those of you that haven't seen them yet might enjoy them *grin*
Friday, March 28, 2008
Happy Friday!
Things here are quiet. The kids are all at school for their last day before Spring Break. We've got nothing special planned except Jesse's 8th birthday next Thursday. She'll probably have her two girlfriends from her CTR8 class over for the day and a family birthday party when Brent gets home from work. She can't wait to go to Activity Days. The leader and all the girls made her a welcome card this last week to welcome her in since she gets to go to their next activity.
Britt cracks me up. You will probably relate but this girl loves to read. Everytime we turn around, she has her nose in a book. She loves it so much it's actually getting her in trouble now. She puts reading above everything. School and house work gets put aside so she can read (huh, that's sounds like me). Her teacher loves the fact that she's always reading except that she's not turning in her reading log or getting her other work done. How do you get someone to stop something that we spent that last several years trying to get her to do?
For now, this is all that's going on. Hope this finds you all well. We still need a picture of Mom and Dad on the site. Love you!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Staying Positive
Tony had a learning experience a week ago yesterday......he and the other kids that live with us went tubing with my family (my sister has been here from Pennsylvania and the kids have wanted to go all winter) Sean and I opted out it was too much strain for my body to even go watch in the cold. :-( Anyway, So they got to the top of the hill and Tony just jumped right on his sled and away he went.......right into 3 trees and another tube...oops!! He wasn't injured too badly the only place he got hurt was his face. He had quite a few scratches and bit his lips pretty good, but no stitches were required and no bruises ever popped up. He quite literally learned the meaning of the phrase look before you leap. Most of the scratches have healed up just fine now and he can even laugh about it a little so that is good. Silly kid! :-)
Billy while he is still struggling seems to really like Dr. Bryson and even being asked all the questions he was last time is okay with going back so we are continuing his appointments and hoping that for him they will make the difference and he will start to reap some benefits. Dr. Bryson seems to be genuinely interested in getting right in there and helping Billy and it is a relief always to get a doctor that seems to care about each patient individually. Other than that Billy is doing much better in school and we are proud of him that he has really stepped up and started taking some interest in doing well at it.
Kole is getting into scouts and seems to be liking it, he goes to his Dad's on Thursdays and their scouts is that night with Kole's Grandma being the scout leader person the boys despair of me but I'm still learning all the scout lingo since I haven't ever had scouts before until we got married. He is still doing very well in his school skills and we are very proud of him too. He will begin seeing a counselor individually (this one is Robert the one we have been seeing as a family) to see if we can help some of the anger issues that he has but otherwise he is starting to do better in settling in.
Trinity is a pistol! She has all the brothers wrapped around her little finger they can frequently be seen playing house and with "babies" various stuffed animals and baby dolls. They all settle into whatever roles she gives them pretty easily and (they all try to tell us that they really don't want another sister!) they will play for quite a while with her. She lost her first tooth about a week and a half ago! I can't believe she is old enough for that already!! She talks with a little whistle now it is kind of funny to hear her talk, but she is so proud!
AJ was a stagehand in the recent play they did of the Wizard of OZ he really enjoyed wearing black and moving all the sets around and such. He is a funny guy but no one around here are really morning people so when he is up at 7 on Saturdays everyone grumbles at him waking them up because he raring to go. We have tried to instill that Saturday is sleep in day, but his zest for life just won't be curbed by sleeping in. He is a sweetie too and is always worried about me and making sure he says hi and finds out how I am feeling when he comes over.
Bob is a character all his own! He really seems to enjoy school and has a new (imaginary) best friend named Little Guy that is about two inches tall he was very offended when we didn't just know who Little Guy was so we acted properly contrite and now have another traveler with us when he is around. No one has sat on him yet thank heavens! Hehehehehehe
I guess that just leaves Sean and I. Sean is still working at Whitewater but is really unhappy there so he is job hunting. His boss gave him a ton of grief for having to be gone to take care of me when I got hospitalized right after Sean had been gone for having Influenza and then a pneumonia. Sean basically told his boss that his family comes first and he was going to be with me when I needed him and ever since then Sean has been actively job hunting instead of just saying he should be. His boss has been a real stinker to work with since then. Other than that Sean is healthy all the way and he is doing his very best to keep this whole flying umberella driving in the right direction single handedly. He is a sweetheart and deserves great blessings for all he does. This last Sunday I wanted to go to church because it has been awhile. Going out anywhere right now is a really huge undertaking for me, it almost always wears me out to the point that I sleep for hours afterwards it is frustrating, but I really wanted to go. So we went, we made it from just before Sunday school until just before the last talk in Sacrament meeting when I was in enough pain to be crying then he gently but firmly told me that Heavenly Father knew where my heart was and that I just physically couldn't be there anymore and we needed to go. We could try staying on the couches next week and hope that the softer seating would let me stay the whole while. Always trying to keep my chin up and let me know it is okay. I love him dearly!
I am of course tired of doctors but trying my best to stay positive. Somedays it works and some it doesn't so well. I appreciate Brent's thoughts for adding myself and Bethani to the fast and would welcome on behaf of both of us anyone's involvment who would like to do that for us. Just a small update on all of it. I went on Monday to my OB and I had gained 4 pounds instead of only one so I am an over achiever and now I just have to try to hang on to them! Also on Monday we had the ultrasound that was ordered. The flow into and out of my right kidney didn't look good at all but the tech isn't allowed to tell us anything to do with the medical stuff so we won't know difinetively until Friday when I go back the the urologist. The only thing we saw the tech type is that he didn't see any cysts which is one of the things they were worried about. He was a nice tech and he looked at the baby for us for a little and she was sticking her tongue out at us! Apparently we are going to have two pistols on our hands. She showed us very nicely that she is indeed still a girl and then at the end she was moving her mouth in a way that it looked like she was cussing us for invading her space with the ultrasound monitor again. It was way cute and funny and just what I needed! Her heartbeat and everything is still good none of this seems to be effecting her much which is a blessing I am not going to take for granted I am forever grateful that is so. Next step if the doctor didn't find what he wanted with the ultrasound is a partial IVT or P can't remember which what it is is they take an xray then inject dye to the area and take another x ray about 40 minutes later. Scary! If they ultimately find a stone or if my kidney just won't get better then they will put a stint in until I deliver. Problem is this will be a foreign object and my body will fight it so I will have to be on medicines to prevent that too. All I have to say is it is a very good thing that these little babies are worth it! Until then I will be home and taking care of myself even if Sean has to make me somedays! We love all of you and think of you often. We appreciate your love, support and prayers. By the way Sean says to tell you, "See, I'm not defunct I can make girls!"
Monday, March 17, 2008
Drinking from a firehose
I think the fast this weekend is a great idea. Their are three family members I think we should especially be fasting for. First is Heather and I appreciate her letting us know. This surgery is definitely something to be concerned about and you can count me in. Second I think everyone should consider Katina and the newest little one that is soon to join the clan and that all will be well with them.
I have to thank everyone also for prayers and support on our behalf for I know the Lord is guiding my actions and putting me where he wants me. I know that in part this is because of your faithful prayers and love for our family. Thank You.
Have a great night.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Special Fast Request
Brent wanted me to post a time when we could fast as a family before my surgery. Next Sunday is Easter and I feel funny asking you to obstain on the day of the celebration of not only our Saviors Ressurection, but also of the joy of chocolate bunnies for breakfast! (bwahahahha)
So instead I am planning for a Saturday morning fast. I am asking mom to come with me to the temple that morning to do Initiatories, and I figured it was the perfect day for me. If you would like to join Jess and I on that day, we would be appreciatative, and if not, any extra prayers would be hlepful as well. I dont need to know if you can or not, I just wanted to make you aware of what we were doing.
Love to you all...
1 week 3 days!!! :)
Monday, March 10, 2008
Things in Washington...
Love you all. I hope that all is well. We're doing good.
Brent did his first week at Boeing. He's funny about it though. Somehow he got it into his mind that he'd be able to hit the ground running and was stressed when he didn't. Apparently he lost a lot a sleep over it and mentioned it to his supervisor who told him when he went home that night he was to relax and enjoy his family and not stress about not knowing his job just yet. His own expectations were causing him to loose sleep. Yikes!
Kate is walking!!! She's been taking quick steps around the furniture but tonight she ventured out between our couch and recliner testing her "footing" and that was just the start. She kept going and going and going. It is so much fun to see her grow! What an adventure and blessing children are!
Jesse has two loose teeth right now. We're waiting to see if she can actually get these ones out on her own. The first two had to be pulled by the dentist this last summer and, even though she did well for the actual pull, I know that her body didn't. She came out of both pulls white as a ghost and sick to her stomach.
Morgan played in his first church basketball game this last weekend. They lost but he had a lot of fun. He loves sports. He's not one for sitting and watching but he is loves getting into playing. He's looking forward to playing soccer again this year.
As for Britt, nothing new is going on with her. She just finished her last booth sale for Girl Scout cookies and she should know soon what her final tally is. I glad to see her getting into something she really likes. It's been a struggle finding an interest for her. Her shyness really gets the best of her.
Well...there you have it, news from Washington. We hope to hear from you all soon.
Love you!
Keep the faith and endure to the end!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Back to the ER
Went the ER on wednesday morning. Chest pain. They ran all kinds of tests and Dr. Hwang has ordered a stress test for me. Tommorow. Should be interesting! Lately I can't walk up my stairs without wanting to die and he wants me to walk on a tread mill hooked up to all sorts of wires for HOW LONG?? LOL! Fun. I am on asprin therapy for now...although I woke up with my face swollen this we'll see what he says tommorow...and if in the morning when my zyrtec has worn off if it happens again...
I will post when I know more...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Jess and Heather - Is there list of things that are up for silent auction that Brent and I can see? Would would love to participate if we can. And we're glad to hear that everyone in your home is getting better. Keep up the faith!
Sean and Katina - Also good to hear that you all are feeling better. We will keep Billy in our prayers. We know that Heavenly Father loves you all and there are great things waiting for you.
Clint and Jenny - Get better soon! We hope that everything else is going well.
Thank you all for keeping this website and posting pictures of Nikki's wedding. I think there needs to be a picture of Mom and Dad on the site. Also, how about putting up the family picture we had done last February? I know that it needs to be update with the new one and the one on the way but there's no reason we can't get it as current as possible until we're all together again.
Love you all!
Things here are good. Today is Brent's last day at REI and he starts Boeing tomorrow. YEAH! After many, many, many years, Brent will finally be home in the evenings again!
Morgan is busy with Young Men's, Scouts and School. He just registered for Junior High which he'll start in September in a brand new building. He's so excited! So, here we go...we have reached the pre-teens and the verge of having a teenager!
Britt has been busy with Girl Scouts and we're right in the middle of Girl Scout Cookies. She had a goal of 300 boxes but surpassed it by well over 100. If any of you would like some and see this posting in the next several days, let us know and well send them to you all. They're $4 a box.
Jesse is thriving! She is going to be 8 in a little over a month and she's so excited to be baptized. She is also a great big sister to Kate. She can get Kate to laugh like no one else. They have a strong connection.
Kate is now 9 months old and going strong. She will not sit still now that she can crawl and the older three are hardly anywhere in the house without her tagging along (including the bathroom especially when they're in the shower or tub). She loves music and enjoys when the kids play on the piano or Morgan playing his clarinet.
As for myself, I'm busy, busy, busy though you would not be able to tell from seeing my home! If it's not the house, it's the kids, my calling, errands or friends and nothing ever seems to get done. Oh well, endure to the end, right?
Love you! Keep the faith everyone and endure to the end!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bad week
Also, on another note just to keep everyone in the loop Billy had his first appointment with the psychiatrist yesterday. We have seen some counselors with him and finally the last one suggested that we find more long term care to help Billy out, this was in St. George just before we moved. So, when we got up here we went through all the processes and got him into someone long term(Newt Bryson). This is to help him with his bathroom issues which have been determined to be psycological and whatever may be causing him to have those issues. Sean took him yesterday for the first time and said that he felt like Newt really listened to Sean and the concerns that he expressed and the things we have already tried etc. so that Newt can just jump right in and start helping Billy. Billy also said that he feels comfortable with Newt and thinks he will be able to talk to him and let him help. This would be awesome! We are unsure what will come from this at this point but we are really hoping that in the end Billy will feel better and we will be able to help him to the best of our and Newt's abilities with whatever may arise. :-)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Up Date
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We are getting better!
I am suppose to tell all of you hello from Aunt Sherri! She and I IMed yesturday. She is having some tests done that could rule out cancer. I thought I would ask each of you to remember her in your prayers! :) The military medical profession is dragging there feet really bad and she is frustrated and a bit antsy.
Jen! Sorry about the mailman being a hoser! Have you called to make sure they had the correct address and that it hasn't been returned to them?
How are things at all of your houses?? Post when you can!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Brent's Announcement
So you can mark your calenders, Jesse will be baptized on April 12th and everyone it invited. Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to come. Our home is small but you're all welcome.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
New jobs?
Baby genders?
Hello? Are ya gonna share or no?? LOL