Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am so glad ya'll could get on and post! so fun! We are not having such a great time here this week. Such a bummer. I have been super weak this week for some reason, and Cody came down sick day before yesterday, and Caleb and Cam both started with it overnight. High fevers, deep coughs, miserable. Cam has been slightly purple hued all night and morning...I am a little scared he may not improve. He was so tight it was making him throw-up...which in the past has meant "get him to the hospital" but this time so far it seems to have opened him up a little more. I have kept up on his breathing treatments and keep praying... poor thing! I can't imagine how miserable he must feel to be out of oxygen like this. He hasn't started sucking in too for now I am just on high alert. agh.
I am in awe... with the website that our ward set up and with the yardsale last weekend... they have raised almost $7k for my heart surgery. *blush* It is such a strange place to be! I am so grateful...but it is still uncomfortable to be the one being served and money being raised for. Weird Weird Weird.
Jestin is doing good. He has been working hard on the mansion in Park City. They decided to take out the basketball court in the basement and turn it into a real to life movie theatre. It has been quite the project! The cost of gas is killing us...but at least it's work and it pays the bills right? :D Today he is home tearing out the rear end of his truck...he has to replace the leaf springs and shocks in the rear end. And it's snowing. Lucky lucky guy! eh? LOL!! He is also going to Wyoming this weekend to help Tyler bring back all of his stuff, so he will be gone fri-mon. Should be fun... hey Jen... if I need ya can I call?? Tee hee....
Nikki's wedding was is some pics for you that couldn't be there...

The "Ben's"

And here is one for Jenny! :D

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