Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sean, Katina & Family

Well, I'm sorry it has been awhile I lost the link to the blog and kept forgetting to ask Heather for it...Anyway I would like to thank Heather and Jenny and Mom S for the baby shower it was fun! The aunt sitting next to me in the pictures is my Aunt Gayle and the one holding the baby is Aunt Carol. When we had the shower the baby had dropped a week earlier so we were thinking it wouldn't be long but here we are and she still hasn't come. We have had 3 false alarms already one of which actually sent us to the hospital a couple of times. Because I was only 36 weeks at that point the doctor couldn't do anything to help us along, so we got sent home :-( My kidney problems are being managed just fine by the antibiotics at this point so he can't use those as a medical reason to induce me anymore and he has to have a medical reason to do so. So, we are waiting and trusting that heaven knows what it is doing. It is hard though as my body is getting more and more beat up everyday. We are also way excited to see our little girl. Yes it is still a novelty to Sean to be able to say that! Unfortunately it is also that time of the year when the kids will be with their other parent for half the summer after Friday. Waaahhhhh! Nanette will be taking the 5 boys to California this next week so if the baby comes then they won't even be in the state! We also received the news on Tuesday that my job entitlement ended Monday and they are filling my position so I am jobless now too. I am able to apply for long term disability so that hopefully we will still have some income coming in, then I will be job hunting when the baby gets here. I'm not sure if this is a blessing in disguise yet or not but we are trying to be positive about everything. The kids are excited for school to end tomorrow and for their little sister to get here and they are all doing well right now. Sean is hanging in there and trying his best to be everywhere at once....he tells Bethani everyday that it is okay for her to come now and about all the things they can do together once she does it is cute and fun. I will be better about posting now that I have the link again......Katina

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