Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thank You For Sharing

Hey Katina - Thank you for sharing what is going on in your family and no, it didn't sound whiney. It's what's going on and if we don't know what's going on, then we don't know where to help or where to celebrate.

I can only imagine how hard it is having the blended family that you all have. I get a headache just thinking about the calendering and scheduling you guys have to keep. If anything, I pray for your sanity in keeping it all straight.

I'm sorry to hear that Nannette isn't being a very good person. I recently visited with a friend who is also dealing with her own blended family issues. Her two oldest children are from a previous marriage and suffer from medical issues that require certain medications. Her ex-husband has started manipulating their medication even though she has given him the strict guidelines that were stipulated by the children's doctor. It's sad when the one parent thinks they can get back at the other parent by using the children. She was telling me and my visiting teaching companion about how she started praying for justice on him because she was so frustrated with the health danger he is now putting their children in. This was a serious topic and we talked for quite some time about it but her advice to our friend, which is something you might want to think about, is to pray for peace, some type of understanding and strength for herself. We can't control actions the actions of others, we can only control our own. When we pray about us and our response to situations, we will have the Spirit to be with us more and Heavenly Father will hold each of us responsible for our actions.

To Sean, Brent and I so support you both in your decision to go back to school. It has been really good for Brent personally (as well professionally) going back to school. We have seen our financial outlook increase but more importantly, it has freed us to serve more. I know that this is what Heavenly Father wants for us. He helped Brent get this education not only to better our family but to better those around us. We have had numerous doors and opportunities open that we would not have with we continued on the path we were headed when we first moved here to Washington. Don't get me wrong, we are not rolling in the money, we make each and every paycheck work with very little wiggle room but because Heavenly Father has blessed us with a larger income, our focus is less on the bank account and more on serving those around us.

We love you guys and you are in our prayers. I know that Heavenly Father will bless you with peace and you will know how to handle the situation with Nannette. I know that you both are trying very hard to be Christlike with her and Heavenly Father will help your children see that and live by your example. Keep the faith and endure to the end!


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