Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Update

So, I've been so busy posting my "thought blogs" I figured I should post something about the family. So here's what's going on here. Brent is still working hard at work and school but still seems to find some time for us too. I'm always so shocked at how much he can squeeze into his day. Something is changing though, work just put him on a 24/7 on call status which means he has to be available at all times for tech support. The good things about it means that no matter how long those calls are, he is paid for complete hours and all time spent is overtime. Yeah for the paychecks. At this point, we don't know how much it's going to impact our family time. He's trying to get approval to have a broadband card so that we can still take trips as a family without inferring with his new status. Either way, right now, we're looking at the blessings that this new assignment will bring rather than focus on the negative impact it could have.

He's really loving his calling in Scouts. He has been a great motivator to the boys he's over and to the boys he's not, he's trying to share information with them on their Scout leaders so that they can have the boys advancing together.

And speaking of Scouts, Morgan is plugging right along to his Eagle. His is so excited now and is constantly talking about what to do next so he can have his project ready to go in the next few months. The goal is to be finished with the project by the end of August if not sooner. My younger brother will be up at the end of July and that might be the perfect time to get the school bus stop structure up weather wise. We'll see and we'll post pictures as he starts the work so you can all see.

And speaking of Scouts again, there's Britt. She is about to advance in Girls Scouts from a Junior to a Cadette. She has her advancement ceremony next Thursday. She is also looking forward to this years Girls' Activity Day Camp at the end of June. It's her last year and that means extra stuff for the 11 year old girls.

Jesse is working hard at finishing the 3rd grade strong. She has never had any issues at school and all her teachers have loved her to pieces. They always send home really good comments about her. Her reading has really blossomed this year. She, like her older brother and sister, really likes to read. I don't know what's wrong with my kids. They are constantly reading. What happened to video games and playing with friends non-stop? ;) Just kidding, my children love playing video games and with friends too. Jesse is also very much into singing. She joined the school choir this year and they have the school end concert next Thursday. She told me on Thursday when I picked her up from choir that she tried out to a solo part for "My Country Tis of Thee." Wow! She is so courageous! I can't wait to hear if she got the part.

Kate, what can we say about her? She had her 2nd birthday recently. I can't believe two years have passed since she was born. On one hand it seems like only yesterday but on the other hand, it seems like forever ago! She has taken to singing too! I've had her in a YMCA gym class and they always start and end the group with circle time where they sing songs. Her favorite seems to be "Oh, Elephant" but she likes any song that has movement and noise. She is also talking up a storm and we have to be careful of what we say because she has also starting copying what we say. (She likes to say "what the flip" all the time because of Morgan.")

For me, I'm just trying to keep up with everyone and still take care of my responsibilities. I'm right in the middle of getting ready for Girls' Camp. Yeah! This year, I'm an advisor to 3rd Year girls (14 yr old). Our theme for the year is "Follow the Son". So everything revolves around Christ and his teachings. We had a camp meeting this morning with our cabins and we spent the morning making our signs with a cabin name the girls came on with (Sun Babes) and working on their skit and other little things. It was great fun and it gave us a little glimpse of what our week at camp is going to be like this year. I can't wait.

So there you go. That's us. Busy Busy Busy but who isn't? I love you all. I'll read you again soon (or post)! Have a wonderful weekend.

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