Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dorius Update

Thought I would post a quick update on us:
Jess is still without much work. He has been talking to an old boss about possibly working with him and being a sub for him. We will see. Magleby has told us they would have more jobs for us if we had more man power...but how do you have more man power with no work? It's a quandry. LOL. He is staying very faithful about it all though... and the small jobs keeps coming. He tested and earned his yellow belt in karate this week. He is really enjoying it!
I have had a terrible time with my heart. (See our blog for details...it makes me cranky to type it out) I am very discouraged, but there is nothing I can do about it so I am trying to keep my chin up and "tread water" happily. (grr) Going backwards is just so frustrating. And being told to wait it out and see what happens makes me even LESS happy. *sigh* I shouldn't complain! I *am* alive right? LOL
I also have learned how to bottle chicken at home! Talk about YUMMY!! It is so tasty! And so easy! I am going to do beef next... and I want to learn to make homemade cheese! Go me! LOL
The girls in the neighborhood caught wind I did chicken and we had to have a canning party! I have such great neighbors!
Emma has come home for homeschool now as well. They are both doing SO good! I had no idea it would be so simple and fun and fulfilling. It really has been a joy for all of us! We feel closer and more like a real unit. It's hard to explain. I am relishing it for now!

They spent an afternoon using magnets to find the most amounts of iron in the dirt around the yard. Then they came in and did experiements on it. They set up their own museum and showed each of the family what they learned. It has been such a good time!
Here is a pic of Cam's broken arm from yesterday! He tangled his feet in the web climbing part on the playground and flipped out landing on the one arm with his full body weight. POOR THING!! It was not a good day! They had to put him to sleep to set it. It was a long day at the ER. He is doing pretty good today. Tylenol w/codine can do that you know! LOL! He can't go to school until after he sees the Ortho Surgeon on friday... and then even maybe not.

Sophie is LOVING being an only dog again. We have missed Zoey, but she belongs with her other parents again. They need her. And I need less to do everyday... LOL!
Caleb is as crazy as ever! He loves pre-school, and homeschool, and having the kids home as much as I do. We are never bored that is for sure! *grin*
I hope you all can post updates soon! It would be great to hear how you have been!

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